Book a Training Session

Option 1

1-Hour Training Session

  • 1-on-1 Training Session

  • Planned Workout Splits

  • Full Workout

  • Core Training


The whole-shebang workout. Expect a full-length strengthening session that focuses on free-weight training, calisthenics, and proper form. I'll be coaching you every step of the way so you can get the most out of each rep! Form is key! Also, expect the final 10-15 minutes of your workout to be core training. These workouts will be intense but just the perfect amount of time for a session. Click the button below to try it out!

Option 2

30-Minute Training Session

  • 1-on-1 Training Session

  • High-Intensity-Interval Training (HIIT)

  • Half Workout

  • Core Training


The quick-but mighty workout. Expect more focus on cardio while still strengthening. AKA don't expect much rest time between exercises. It's ok though, you got this!!! Also, expect the last third of your workout to be core training. These will be short but intense workouts, perfect for a 30-minute window. If you would like a more extensive training session focusing mainly on strengthening, definitely try the 1-hour session!


Your Plan

Nutrition Guidance Plan

  • Online video call guidance

  • Help with calorie intake

  • Personalized research

  • Quick & Healthy Meals Lists



If Training with TrainAM

What's working out without eating well to back it up? When it comes to eating healthy, there's never really a one-size-fits-all least never one that works well for everyone. You may have heard of the popular fad diets which involve eating nothing you actually want to eat and at random parts of the day (or worse, raw meat...bleh). This nutrition plan is personalized to you and your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure); AKA the total amount of calories you burn in a day. Join now with a 7-day free trial to check it out!